well, since this is the first blog...not too sure what to upload to this first blog...maybe something very interesting...i guess Y^^
since i became one of the "experimental white mouse"(i am more prefer another animal rather than being mice, well since there no other better description...lol), i been training for 5 weeks already. After the testing, i realize that i grow 0.7kg of muscle, and 2.0kg of fats has been burnt out after this long time. not sure this is a good thing, or just i am not hardworking enough?! even somebody said he just has 0.9kg of muscles growing, said something like just 0.9kg only, not even to 1.0kg...
well, i don't know what to type already, and that's that!!! lol...Y^^
well by the way...this blog's name...i just simply put this name...so dont and never, not even think and ask me why this name, where's the idea etc...
this picture just a little result fro the gym workout, still, my potential has not yet reach!!!