start from 20th of August, around 9.45am, i started to fall sick(think so...XD), until 23rd August 7.00am(the time i woke up...early is it?), i recovered...well at least not H1N1, or else i may celebrate my birthday in hospital...HOSPITAL YOU KNOW!!!! not a good thing to celebrate in HOSPITAL!!! by here, i wish all people around the world whose birthday on 23rd of August...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL OF US!!!
on 22nd, i celebrated my birthday with my family, with an 1kg panda cake!!! what a big size cake... -_-lll ... i estimate i can finish it on Friday...maybe no...XD...
then today, 24th of August, i celebrated my birthday again with my college friends...that's mean i grow 2 years old!!!XD there are something strange, how my mum and dad know i grow 2 years old in 1 years? so that they put 2 big candles on the panda cake??? parents know their children what their thinking...freaking...
the following photos are taken on this afternoon, in my favourite pan mee shop, even the staff know us, since we go there once a week...
in the first picture,from left, she is Hui Chin(clevest girl in my group, aka little sister), Kenneth(from group 2 one, just join my gang... aka Jenny XD), Wai Kit(oldest male in my group...5th Wai Kit i know...-_-lll), ME!!, Torrent(guy in green shirt...he is very free nothing to do...XD), lastly Yuuji(know many thing, and likes to watch animations, especially comedy)
both cakes may contain high burned fats may come back to me again...T_T
well, one of my gang member, Bing Cong was absent, because of fever too, hope he get well soon
by the way, who can tell me what is my horoscope?! LEO OR VIRGO?!?!?!?!