remember this three guys!!!they are extremely, unexpectedly, extraordinary slowpoke!!!
actually from the left to right, those two are Chinese, but unbelievable they looks like Malay, well the one sit on the right hand side is Malay.
waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...waiting...HOW LONG WE GONNA WAIT?!
they said they are from the criminal investigation department(CID), after some usual staff like don't using handphone when you are walking down the street, find some friends to accompany you and blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar blar things, the questioning session begun(more like the interrogation).
i didn't take down all the questions asked during the session, but i still remember some of it..Y^^
Question 1
student X : i saw some videos show that the police will torture the suspect to get information, is it true?
ANS : well, we can't do this because under law 304 or 204(whatever), we can't hurt the suspect until the evidence is found...(something like this)
Question 2
student Y: i heard that the traffic penalty charge rate will increase this year. is it true?
of course this question asked to wrong department.
Question 3
Student Z: i heard that some of the patrolling police car are the Mitsubishi evolve, what's that for?
this question appearing a little funny, the lowest rank officer said they need some better car to chase the thief, if the thief got better vehicles, there are no hope that the traditional proton saga can chase the cars.
the session goes on until 11.15am, and luckily, my bladder nearly reach the limit, so i can hold for some time and rush to the toilet. when i reach the class, the stu*** Jenn**** said why i come late. simple question, simple answer. i answered i captured the police and wrap them up like mummy, now they are showing at DK ABA, want to see? LOL,LOTF
the day end without any accidents and incidents, expect feel EXTREMELY SLEEPY WHEN DOING THIS POST!!!!! wakakakakakakakakakakaka Y^^
even the police will also not enough sleep...wakaka
one of the funny thing: when you encounter the criminal, you can try to take he/she(women criminals?) down, you can even hurt him/her, not until he/she died. then i think, what if i use the minimal of the minimal force to punch he/she, just one punch and he/ she already serious injured???
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