i just realized that this is out of my post already. well anyway...
at first i want so HELLO to my fellow friends which didn't meet so long, new semester is starting, so this semester i will be hardworking as usual!!!(sound like i didn't hardworking before...XD)
regarding the lack of sleep, on last saturday, i go out, watch Sorority Row with my secondary school friends(not too many of them, including myself just 5), what a horrobile movie, but it is not that cruel enough as Friday The 13th, which the Jason kill his(or may be its because maybe that one is not human) victims with some slow-killing-way, plus the sound is amplifying the effects, so it is interesting for me. for this Sorority Row, the killer(i don't want spoil the movie, or else it's boring to those who haven't watch, then for those watched, you know who is the killer) kill the victims in a very fast way, each on them are one-hit-kill. for me, a science students, i know some ways that the killer done does not kill the victims at all, maybe heave injuired only, but they shoot like this, i can't do anythings...XD. but the story of this movie really attract me to watch this movie, so the ticket does not wasted. for my friends, 2 of them scared, one is just like me, remain calm, then the last one, in between, he don't know what to do, close the eye? close the ears? but he want to see how the victims died, the expression is really funny, too dissapointing, since the threater goes not allow to use camera.
after that, we all go out for a midnight snack, th movie ends at 12.15am, and we have our drinks till 3am. the sunday morning i woke up at 7.30am(so called "good" habit), i don't what to do, so i woke up and play games.
the sunday goes on as usual, then at the night time, i ready to go to bed at 10.30pm, to meet my new semester. what is wait for me is, woke up 6am. WTF!!! so i woke up again, without any struggle, and play game. next thing that surprise me is, Yuuji sms me, asking me did i want to bring my laptop to school, so we can go to torrent's house to play DotA. i refused, because i lazy.
next thing, the new teacher to us, DBC 2 students is the Dr. Won* En* Hw*(virus? no, i purposely do this), half chinese, half indian female teacher,teach microorganisms and microbiology. this teacher for me i think she is kind of boring, the attration towards jokes is 40% only, so overall, this teacher maybe kinds of boring.
but the other teacher is different, she is very funny, knowing how to make the joke. Cikgu Chon* Yo* Fon*, teaching hubungan etnik(history unit for understanding). she just keep encouraging all of my group members to ask question. "not questions asked by students are stupids" , this is what she say, so i ask, "berapa umur cikgu?", one more thing need to take a note, she want us talk in bahasa malaysia, so i asked the question," how old are you?". the effect is expected, but this teacher's reaction is unexpected. she just laugh out like others, then answer my question, she is just one year older that TAR college. well, i guess all of us know already, so not need to tell the answer. this teacher also give us the 1st assigment, pass up on week 5 or 6. well, i am back to normal life that i like to!!!
is this pose kind of funny? doesn't look like a teacher who older that college
tell the truth, she is kind of beautiful in some way, but i dislike the dumd personality

my gang having a happy moments in my favorite pan mee shop!!!
then the day go on and on till i blogging.my gang having a happy moments in my favorite pan mee shop!!!
here i also attach some beautiful wallpapers, have fun everyone!!!

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