you know, some people can complete a short drama(approximately 10-12 minutes) wthin 36 hours(not some people, they are us!!!). what is more accurately, less then it because sleep time does count. let me start from the first hour. Please take note that this post is gonna be very long, so don't read it when you are busy...XD
here are the whole group members of the drama groups, i introduce them first, or else readers may confuse...XD
from top row left to right: Bing Cong(BC), Hou Yi in drama(HY), me, Xiao Wei as Chang Er(XW), Stephy as a singer in restarent, Patrick as waiter, Kuan Chie(KC).
middle row from left, follower of HY(in drama known as Patrick), Ben, Seng.
Girls from 9 o'clock direction, in clockwise direction: dancer 1, dancer 2, You Fong(YF) and dancer 3.
very pathetic because i not even know their name!!!! SORRY!!!!!
BC asked me want to help in the chinese society's 20th aniversary celebration+ mid-autumn festival(=.=III..this festival already is gone at least 1 month) as the temporary actor(K Le Fe in cantonese la). i am hestitated, i want to go because it is fun, i don't to go because i am lazy to travel to college and to home. so i said i consider.
i am extremely hestitaing, my shop is closing and i am not sure i want to go or not, based on the same reasons mentioned above. then i finally made up my mind, I AM GOING TO HAVE FUN!!! so there i go...
"wei? BC? where are you now? i at the sport complex already!"
this is my first call, what i got is...
"coming, coming, now passing the zoo negara, wait a moment."
so? then i waited, when i starring at the night of the college, i feel some chilly from my back. although there are some nouise and lights from the sport complex, because i am thinking about the ghost story(all are not complete one, because no one and no evidences saw 'it'). so i think, some people ask others come early and himself come late...whatever...
finally BC has arrived, with his friend Seng and KC. as we entered the complex, Seng directly go to find the group, here i firstly introduce to Ben. Four of us is the temporary actors, so not much to said in the drama, but with a lot of actions.
i know my position and my very first dialogue, " give the company to us!!!", and "you better mark my words!!!". these two is in the angry expression. now i know about a little plot of the drama i am acting,it is the story between the Hou Yi and Chang Er, a chinese myth that saying Hou Yi is the hero that shot down 9 Suns. as a reward, he obtain a God Medicine(Xian Dan) and the most beautiful women in the world, Chang Er. but Chang Er stole the medicine and eat. lastly she fly to the moon and seperated from Hou Yi. but the drama now is the Mordem Drama. Saying about the Hou Yi come to present time and own a very big company by buying the companies from others. then he try to investigate the Immortal Medicines. his lover, Chang Er again try to destroy the report, and thus both of them feel very sad. this kind of the sad+love+mordem drama is not one of my favorite drama, but i am not the director so no choice la. the director is YF(in my opinion, she is quite out-of-my-expextion girl). XW and HY keep trying to act better, but get scolded...sad. but there is a funny thing. XW suppose to cry and laugh and cry(you know...the expression), but she can't because the expression on her face is very funny and all of us can't stop laughing when she do this.
we finally can move on the stage because they are doing the decoration until now. so my 1st scene, shout at the main male charator, HY to give back the company. then 2nd scene, i am the one of the custemer in the restorant. 3rd scene, i am one of the job-less guys. 4th scene, scene about XW try to destroy the documents but stopped by HY. 5th scene, there are a solo song perfomened by Seng[忘记爱过,张栋梁], to reduce the boring-rity, we have to do something, so we decide all of us(me, BC, KC and Ben) pretenting finding a job but fail, and i throw, destroy to newspaper(and the effect is good when it's come to real...^^Y). last scene, both of them regrets what are done. so that's it!!!
i am informed, and one of my most disliking things, come to college for rehearsal at 9.00am. well, i am agreed, so i play along too.(but i really hate to do this!!!)
31th Octorber 2009
i am not sure i am so nervous, or excited because i woke up without the phone's alarm rang. so i fetch my mum to shop and i go to college.
"wei, where are you now?"
"coming!!! now entering college entrance!!!"
well, there we go again...
i saw HY(pathenic, i not even remember his name...T_T), so we chatted awhile, and i saw BC, KC and Seng coming. so we enter the sport complex. so we pratice and practice and pratice again, with try to adding some others things to the scences. this continue until 4.15pm.
i am driving to my home, but what is angrying me is TRAFFIC JAM!!! WHAT THE FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>.< 5.00pm
finally arrive home but this hour is not in my calculation!!!!!!! i have to rush!!!!!
i found all the dancers and YF is there, so i go there and prepare.
finally!!! we can have our seats and have our meals!!!! delicious!!!!!!
we suggesting when need to prepare so that we won't be confused, all agree on 8.00pm. what is funny, everybody seems like don't have the appetites...but what is following is...
we all realized that the show is hasted in a unexpected rate!!!! so we all hurry to the position to prepare...(sound like there's gonna be a war...=.=III)
we are informed to move to the back stage for final preparation. THE WAR IS COMMENCING!!!!!(but for me is not because i have the experience already...XD...but i forget to see the time that when we show because i am also a little nervous, but i am relatively calm if compared to others...XD). the show is moving smoothly without any terrible mistakes.
we can finally sit down and enjoy the show!!! everybody seems like they are not eating for days, and snapping the foods. but i am not one of them because i am really full!!!

the banquet is finally finish, after we all take the photos, only me, BC, Ben, KC and Seng go for a night tea in the happy season named, there are really 4 room conditions!!! the first floor is the spring room, which inside the cafe with suitable temperature, and a summer room, which is relatively warm. well MALAYSIA ALWAYS IS SUMMER!!! the upper floor, which s the roofless area is my favorite season autumn, here is very comfortable because of the breeze and the rain stopped about 30 minutes ago. the last one, which is also the place we all sit, is the winter room. "the temperature in this room is maintained at 15'C, so.........." the dots is because i didn't continue to read the notice on the door...XD.
our drinks is served!!! i ordered a strawberry ice blended. BC ordered a sea coconut+vanilla ice blended. Ben ordered a healthier drink, the kiwi juice. KC and Seng ordered the same drinks, the chocolate ice blended coffee. these two guys is bot gonna sleep tonight!!! wakaka...what's more is, they want to have a competition, see who can't withstand the cold first. WAKAKA!!!! BC! YOU FORGOT MY ONE OF THE NICKNAME!!!! POLAR BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO CAN BEAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we done our drinks, and they can't withstand the coldness. of course, i am the winner with no prizes...XD
1st November 2009
i arrive my home sweet home, and i can't withstand the sleepiness already. i jump to my very own bed and sleep!!!! when i lies on the bed, i was thinking, it's too wasted that we didn't take the video of our drama...
so that's concluded one of my memory!!! with the theme song, 忘记爱过 by 张栋梁!!!
now i realized that i have almost very theme songs for any precious memories....
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