Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What the F**k!!!!

I do not understand, what's the point of this cold war that break out just for the parking issue?!

The consequences include i upset my secondary school friends, i can't go for my usual jogging for three days in a row, the couples did not speak to each other, and i start to feel annoyed.

For the first consequence, is the one i felt most frustrated with. The girl that gather everyone last week just want to have a small gathering for secondary school friends to tighten the bond. I didn't replied her directly, because i scare of boredom. But later, i make the appointment for her. but just about i going to sleep, the war break out, and i completely lost the mood. and i had to stay so that i can take care the matter. I am really sorry about that. sometime, things happened and i had to take care of it personally.

For the second result, since there are many events that i want to mentally ignore it, physically ignore it but ethically must be accept it, i can't go for my joggings. this is number two that i felt most frustrated with because if i stop jogging for more than 2 days, the consecutive courses will be troublesome to me because the muscle must be trained within 24-48 hours or else it will be reduced it's power, endurance and shape.

The the third effect. they didn't spoke to each other tensed the atmosphere, which will lead to the next consequence, i feel annoyed. Simple enough without any explanation. 

The last one, this is not in the list at first but it'll make its way up to the top. my dad started to thinks that i am the one who should to blame because i didn't settle the things. and his tone is annoying me because i can't fight back. if i do, then a bigger war will be commence. he will say something like "you ask me to do something, i do. But i ask you do something, you'll reject it.", something like that. WTF... it's not my fault, but he just simply blame it to me.

What i want to fight back to him is something like "if you are so brilliant, and i am ridiculously dumb, why don't you do it yourself?!", self-explained what i want to express my feeling. Then he will turn his shame into anger, then scold everyone in the room. 

And i can't make a face of i feel frustrated about the things above, then he'll blame everyone too...i hate he is taking a place like king in a throne, and everyone must follow his words, regardless how stupid and absurd it is. I can make my counters, but it'll backfired to my mum, so, i rather stay quite.

Right now, i feel my parents are very childish, they still taking my opinions like shit, useless piece of shit. They do not know how clear i am when i eavedropping their argument. as they said, the viewers always are more clearer than the individuals involved.

How amusing i think,they are not even know how i interpret things in rationally, ethically and reasonable. why do i am the one who been affected so much for this "catastrophic event"...WTF!!!

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